
Drawing of details of cover plate and gasket for driving wheel axle boxes

1 item

Publication relating to the NHS’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme


British windmills: a bibliographic guide

237 items

Archives relating to Cosgrove Hall Films and the Series 'Bill and Ben'


PhD thesis in the history of science entitled 'Un modello algoritmico: l'Analytical Engine di Charles Babbage'


Treatise entitled 'The Intellectual Property Speculators'

1 item

"Crops of uncertain nature?" Plant Research International by De Visser, Nrjhuis, Elsas & Dueck


Scrapbook No. 16, April-July 1999

1 item

Correspondence, alphabetical group 10


Genetics news 24 - News segment on protestors and the need for a public debate on the use and research of genetically modified crops involving a short interview with Derek Burke

3 items

Correspondence regarding genetic engineering debate held by Horticultural Research International

1 item

Brian Parker's notes on Sirius.

1 item

"Beyond the book of life" Vol 408 issue 21

newspaper cutting

"Super science-or a genetic threat?"

1 item

Department of Trade and Industry "Foresight for agriculture, horticulture and forestry - crop production"

1 item

"Harnessing the potential of genetically modified microorganisms and plants"

1 item

Application for research grant "Deployment of NBS-CRR disease resistance genes by natural selection in wild Arabidopsis"

1 file

Newspaper and press cuttings regarding GM crops

1 item

"Safety assessments of foods derived from genetically modified plants"

1 bundle

Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research presentation on modification of grasses

"I killed GM crop with a heavy heart"

"I killed GM crop with a heavy heart"

1 item

Report and correspondence from steering group meeting

1 report

"Safety assessment for transgenic sweet pepper and tomato"

1 item

"Guidelines 2000 scientific advice & policy making from chief scientific adviser"


Scrapbook No. 15, January-April 1999

1 item

"Biotechnology has backing of global scientific community"

1 book

"Nature improved: interdisciplinary essays on humanity's relationship with nature"

newspaper cutting

"GM 'con trick'"

1 item

Printed online version of "Glufosinate Selective" by Biotech

1 item

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food report "Organic farming and gene transfer from genetically modified crops"

1 large file

Press cuttings folder late 2000

1 item

National Farmers Union "GMO questions and answers"

8 pages

City News Issue 84

1 item

"Genetically modified foods: a flavour of the current issues - feedback from the Food Future question time debates" Pamphlets

1 item

"Wonderweed" New Scientist

American Council on Science and Health "Biotechnology and food"

American Council on Science and Health "Biotechnology and food"

1 cassette

BBC R5, BBC R4 and Farming Today

1 item

European Communities Committee "Government response to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities report on the EC regulation of genetic modification in agriculture"


Scrapbook No. 17, July-August 1999


Scrapbook No. 23, May-July 2000

newspaper cutting

"Plant pest experts support GM crops"

1 item

Proactive approaches to commercialising GMOs conference papers

1 item

Correspondence, alphabetical group 7a

1 item

Swedish Technology Foresight "The foresighted society"

New Scientist "On stony ground"

New Scientist "On stony ground"

1 item

Scottish Crop Research Institute press release of annual report

1 item

"Strengthening the case for why biotechnology will not help the developing world: a response to McGloughlin AgrBioForum Vol. 2 No. 3 & 4

8 pages

City News Issue 68


Scrapbook No. 19, September-December 1999

1 item

"Patently ridiculous" New Scientist